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Welcome Parents!

Welcome Parents!

We are so excited that you are interested in having your son or daughter join Pack 628 and begin their scouting journey with us.  Our goal is to make sure that your new scout's adventure is a positive one.


All we need to get you started is to complete the Contact Us link and

an annual Health and Medical Form ~ NO doctor/provider signature required! 

Please give your completed form to your Den Leader or another leader.




The Pack tries its best to do a lot of fun activities throughout the year but of course this requires funds.  Pack 628 requires dues each year per scout (breakdown of costs shown below); the Pack covers adult volunteers.


$25 One-time BSA Membership Fee

$80 Annual BSA Dues (due annually directly to BSA)

$80 Annual Council Participation Fee 

$26 Pack 628 Dues 


There is no rush on these, especially if your child wants to check us out at some activities first.  When you are ready to commit, we take cash, checks made payable to "Pack 628”.


You will need to supply the following:

  • Required (Uniform instructions here)

  1. Official Class A uniform​ with Hat, Neckerchief, Slide (Tigers/1st Grade - AOL/5th grade) 

    Lions - T-Shirt (Hat optional)

  2. Red Pack numeral patches "628"

  3. National Capital Area Council patch

  4. World Crest patch

  5. Pants / Shorts with Belt Loops.  Lion - Bears Blue / Khaki and Webelo - AOL Green

  • Optional

  1. Official scout belt.  This is recommended since scout advancement loops are designed to fit on this belt​

  2. Scout pants.  Pack only requires pants than can take a belt, and a belt (no athletic shorts with Class A)


Lastly, when you submit your application please also include this quick Family Talent Survey.  This gives the Pack an idea of specific talents or interests that might help the Pack in future events and activities.






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